How to latch after c section?
Had c section, wound still pain. Breast too big baby don't like to be latched. Lactation staff advised to use football hold but baby too frustrated to latch when hungry, don't want to open mouth when not hungry.

Same exp here. I used the football hold method and eventually baby got used to it. During the first few weeks, i let LO latch for a few minutes and then gave ebm in a bottle as she tend to latch very long and it made me tired. Maybe u could offer a bottle ebm first and then try latching again so ur LO can open his/her mouth. Jiayo!
Read morepractice slowly. my LO didn’t like to latch either, we practice once a day. don’t like then we try again next day. took him 3 months to start latching properly
Keep trying mama! However if u still in pain, maybe u wanna do bottle feeding while u recover? Then try latching again once ure well enough!
keep on practicing and prop pillows under your arms and baby for additional support.