EDD Accuracy
My Gynae told me that normally first time mom will deliver on EDD date, unlikely to be on 36,37,38 weeks.. is that true? Just curious to atleast be prepared..

My EDD was 19 Oct and I got admitted on 18 Oct night due to contractions. Baby was born on 19 Oct morning, so yes for me she was born full term on her EDD at 40 weeks. 🤗 Depends on your body and your baby also.
I delivered mine at 37 weeks sharp. It was my first child 😊 I started to dilate naturally at 36 weeks, was admitted due to contractions and when they checked I was already 3cm dilated (36 weeks)
I delivered at 38.5 weeks for 1st boy. 2nd one 35.5 weeks.. I dont even know I'm in labour till bleeding coz no pain... already 3cm dilated n contraction every 5 to 8 min but I didn't feel it...
Not for me. I delivered my 1st at exactly 37 weeks. In fact, I gave birth to my children between 36-37 wks. EDD is just an estimated date. Only a few percentage delivers on their EDD.
mine was overdue by a day thus admitted to the hosp one day after my edd for gynae to burst my waterbag ☺️
Not really true.. For both my first and second, i delivered at 38+ weeks. All natural birth
I am a first time mum and i dont deliver on my EDD date, i deliver 6 days earlier
no leh..mine is delivered at week 37, two weeks before my EDD 😅
I delivered my 1st son at 38 weeks and 2nd son at 37 weeks.
not for me I had contraction at 34 week and delivered 36 weeks.
Excited to become a mum