check fr v infection

My gynae said she will be checking for vaginal infections somehow in 3wks time. How is this process like? Is it painful? Does she have to scope in smtg inside my V? Im scared

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Super Mom

Are u in your 3rd trimester and near EDD in few weeks time? If yes, its a fairly quick procedure, I found no pain, just a tiny bit discomfort. Gynae will take a swap from your vagina (just like doing a pap smear).. That’s to test for B-strep bacteria.. If found positive, during labour, you will be given antibiotics via IV drips. Nothing to worry about.. :)

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5y trước

Yes im in my 3rd tri ady. I thought she gona scope in her hand or smtg tts why i was nervous. Ok nw i dont hv to worry😂 thank u!

My gynae inserted a metal instrument to take the swab. It wasn’t painful just uncomfortable but its a pretty quick process! Jiayou! :)

Im going for mine too soon! Heard its what the other's said. Not painful but uncomfortable.

Not painful