5 Replies

For my 1st pregnancy i also have break out on my face and sensitive skin. I stop applying skincare products as it made my face very oily. But as my pregnancy end, it goes back to normal. My 1st pregnancy is boy. However, my 2nd pregnancy is also boy but dun have this issue.

i am 35weeks and it just gets worse... facials can help for abit but after a mth or so it reverts back to breakout state. i havent had breakouts in almost 2 decades lol. Changed all my skincare and makeup to clean and organic which at best slows down the breakouts.

it has nothing to do with the gender but rather your genes, how your body reacts to the pregnancy. There are many mummies who have bad break outs. I’ve heard of the myth where bb girls are more likely to cause breakouts, so not true 🤷🏻‍♀️

Hope this helps : https://sg.theasianparent.com/pregnancy-journal-skincare-nightmares/?utm_source=question&utm_medium=recommended

Baby girl here and having break out too! Used to have flawless skin :/ but don’t worry it’s just the changes in our hormonal!

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