13 Replies
Yeah, half a good news. Today result shown I'm considered intermediary risk for having a D.S baby not high risk of what the phone called nurse told me, chances are 1:917 and my baby size is just alright do not have any abnormal size or defect. Thus I did another blood test to double confirm, and I Will be knowing the result and baby gender in 2 weeks time. I know everything will be okay. Thanks Buddha blessing. Thank you all the mommies who answered to my questions and comfort, thank you so much.
It’s good to hear your baby is safe hui fang :) Take care of yourself and your baby for the rest of your pregnancy, and I wish for you and your baby to be happy and healthy 😊
All test will show risk of DS, just how high the risk. Should consult with your gynae if need to do NIPT and what’s the acceptable risk level for your age group before deciding.
Thank you
Have u taken NIPT test? If not, I presume they will ask you to do the test. It has higher accuracy then Oscar / 12wk blood test at the hospital
Okay thank you
I did. It was very worrying but my baby came out fine. He is a healthy 2 mo now. Dont think so much. Just relax and stay positive! :)
Congrats,thats great.. I'm looking forward for my baby arrival in Aug.
Yes, finally can relieves, blood test turned out fine and good, is a healthy baby. Thank you all mummies here..
They are all screening tests. Dr may suggest amniocenthesis , which is diagnostic
Call from hospital is always so scary, especially when nurse wont divulge much.
Thanks for sharing your experience with me
Do take care and see what the gynae say first. Hope it turn out well. Jiayou!
Yes, I will, thank you
normally they have another test if the first test come with high risk
Tong Huifang