11 Replies

Hi, I think one can give pen to as at this age they will have a little grip on it. So, chances are that your baby will scribble with it and will do his own thing with it. It is a part of his developmental journey and you should encourage it. All you have to careful about is to make sure that teach her to write on paper and not on any other area, or walls. Also, if you are concerned, you can get pens or pencil that is thin and is soft or cushioned so that he has a firm grip on it and doesn't hurt her fingers if held for sometime.

As much as i don't like to give them pen (they will draw on walls and everything!) My LO likes to reach out for pens as they notice mummy are always using that pen. I bring them to my office with me. So what i do is, i teach them the proper way of handling a pen. No swinging, no throwing. It's painful when you accidentally hit someone with it. Simple rules but let them know. They will be able to understand for sure.

Actually I think pen is not very good because of the ink and the sharp edge. I think a better close alternative could be to get LO those thick, non toxic crayon as it's bigger - easier for grasp and will not hurt themselves or others if they get agitated with it. Of course u can find other alternatives too - no need to be unhappy with it when changing the item can help :)

My only concern with giving pens to 16 mo is their hands are too small to handle pens. Crayons are larger, and hence to train LO to have tripod grasp for future writing they need to grip larger item first. Another small concern is 16mo don't have the concept of what's right n wrong and they will be curious and start drawing everywhere with the pen.

I actually let my LO scribble with pen at ard 9mths already since he had been doodling with his doodle board at 7 Mths ..... I dun see any problem... pencil n Colour pencil also not very safe if u are comparing it with pen

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Just to add that thick crayons because it gives a better grip feel - which is more age appropriate a they don't have fine motor skills until much later on

Wats e prob by giving a pen. I dont see a prob there. Then how you expect you lo to hold things and familarized with items.

Pencil or Color pencil ? Pen got ink isn't it not at the right time to give ?

I'm ok with giving pen. Just need to make shre they dont poke into their eyes or other people eyes

I'll just give also. small issue to me. just watch closely in case poke the eyes can ready.

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