3 Replies

Growth spurts could take place within the first year at two, three and/or six weeks, at three months and/or at six months. It usually last for 2-3 days but could also go up to a week. During which your baby will feed more and would need less sleep (hence waking up more frequently at night or taking shorter naps). Other signs would include your baby appearing more restless and clingy. Growth spurts could also cause your baby to have bowel movements at night due to digestive changes. If your baby is indeed going through a growth spurt, you just need to be attentive to our baby’s cues for more milk or attention. And very importantly, take care of yourself. Drink more water and get as much rest as you could. Here’s an article on baby’s growth spurt: http://www.babycentre.co.uk/a25012757/baby-growth-spurts


if it's more than 3-5 days, it's not growth spurt. it's sleep regression where her sleep cycle is now changing to be like us adults. if she doesn't know how to sleep independently, she will wake up after every 1-2 cycles (approx 1-3h).

Hmmm... She has been like that for the past 3 nights . I would probably monitor a few more days

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