15 Replies

I am in my 28th week now. The vomitting's back. When I was in my 1st trimester, nausea cld be the whole day but not able to vomit. Only puked once or twice in the 1st 2 trimesters. Also couldnt really tahan food from evening esp stir fry stuff. Tried to eat more of the dried stuff. Milk ok for me too. Everyone's body is different. Was hoping for an easier 3rd trimester but I think this is the worst trimester. Breathlessness, dizziness... hyperventilation can strike anytime. Once recently, my lower arms went numb when my breathlessness got very bad.

I had nausea in the evening too. Was prescribed dilectin but felt the same from week 6 to week 14. I tried different home remedies. One that worked the best was oranges and using fresh on essential oil. For fresh on I will apply on a tissue or gauze and inhale for as long as I can haha. Other remedies I tried (that didn’t work for me) was coconut water, lemon water, Asam fruit, Inara barffy essential oil.

hello~ im at week 20 now and still unable to take any meats :( feeling better in the morning so i try to eat more foods and more nutritiously, however in the evening it is bad... so i've been going with wholemeal breads + sliced cheese / avocado. Took diclectin but doesn't rlly help for evening nausea and also have side effects like dry mouth which i dread. :( jiayou!!

Im close to week 20, and I tot my morning sickness has approved, but it’s back from evening onwards… I’m v sad… I duno how to make myself feel better.. nothing seems to help for me.. sometimes I vomit something out, sometimes nothing came out. Doc said 2nd tri supposed to be my babymoon.. 🫠🫠 everyday looking forward to the start……..

Omg sameee I'm in my first tri and experiencing this night sickness too.. Was just joking that my bb is probably a night owl haha 😆 some nights I just try to sleep it off sometimes coconut water helps but I dun dare drink too much cos it's 'cooling' 😢 can't wait for 2nd tri and hopefully this annoying nausea will go away by then?

meeeeee evening time was horrible during w6-w8, can't stomach much at dinner, then it slowly became earlier and earlier now is after breakfast will start zzzz can't wait for second trimester sour stuff works for me, like tom yum or Chinese sour soup noodles. if not smaller portion/snacks bout every 3hourly also seems to help abit

Different mommies will feel nauseous at different timing because our bodies are all different. For me, I will feel nauseous the whole day. I told my gynae about it and she prescribed Diclectin. I did feel slightly better after that. Just take note Diclectin does not effect immediately. It needs 3-4 hours to take effect.

Thank you for your response. I was taking dialectic but it didn’t seem to work 😓

I'm at 16w now, previously would consider my nausea in 1st trimester to be triggered by strong smells or rarely at night.. otherwise it was fine.. but these 2 weeks.. I also feel nauseous during evening/ night time even when there's no smell..

I get nausea mainly in the morning and evening till night. Esp prior to bedtime. What I did was I drank a can of coconut water every night. Thought it was helpful for me.. (counting down till 2nd trimester)

I’m having MS the whole day, feel really bad especially when I smell boiling rice and body shower/ shampoo, I feel nauseous and couldn’t vomit anything out. 🥲

Hugs. Hope it will get better soon !

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