Any gd suggestion for 1 year lo birthday celebration. Intend to do it at home. Looking at catering, deco, some simple entertainment for lo. Hmmm reasonable prices.

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I recommend party allo for party deco. They have fringe activities such as face painting magician and balloon sculptor too. For catering neo garden has the party package for 8 to 10 people if its an intimate gathering. I love that mini party package!

Promo terbesar expert care sudah dimulai, diskon hingga Rp.100.000 sedang berlangsung di shopee, ada juga voucher diskon 100% alias gratis bagi bunda yang beruntung. Buruan cek di (id-21745)

Home made simple DIY decorations are real cheap and pretty, check out Daiso. Agree with Neo Garden Catering. They have good food and affordable prices.


Thành viên VIP

meihao 99 ..Mini catering. Deco u can do urself diy