8 Replies

I just gave birth in Dec 2020 and had GD too. Other than baby will be big size and need to do a c-sect, the baby may have breathing difficulties after birth and low blood sugar which may cause seizures. You can use the blood glucose test kit to do trial and error on the food and remove the item which you think might make the reading high and test again another time after removing item so that you know what kind of food will be within the limit. For me, I will mostly exceed the acceptable range even if I eat 1/3 small bowl of rice. So I need lots and lots of proteins and veggie to “wrap” the carbs if I wanna eat abit of carbs.

VIP Member

I have mild GD too. I am controlling my diet. I am asked to take readings 7 times a day, 2 times a week. That is the scariest part as I hate needles. I noticed when I am too cautious and worry about the reading going high, the reading actually goes high. Those 5 days that I don't need to track, I randomly do check at times and my readings are fine. The nurse said stress also increases the sugar levels. So be calm 😊 Another thing, not all GD mums will give birth to big babies. I have friends who had GD and had normal delivery with babies in normal size. 😊

Super Mum

GD will cause baby to be big size if not controlled properly . Not just the size , there are many complication to baby health If not controlled properly. I do not know how bad ur GD is, but ur gynae will advise you. For mild case, diet control will do. For serious case, you need to take insulin shots. Don’t worry & just listen to ur gynae advice

Hi 🙋‍♀️ mummy, I had GD too. Mine was a mild one. I was craving for sweet things. My gyne advise me to control my diet. I had to prick 6 times daily before and after meal which I hate the most.Take every food in a moderate portion. I delivered my baby nov 2020 , c section weight 3.4kg. After delivery my GD was gone. Dun worry.

i had gd too during my pregnancy. was told by nurse to "exercise" or walk to burnt the sugar after every meal. even with diet control, still cannot lower the sugar count. in the end need insulin for all my meals.. forced by doc to induce at about 38th week. luckily baby came out healthy and good weight range.

You can read more about it from the link below. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gestational-diabetes/symptoms-causes/syc-20355339 Don’t overly worry, a happy mama, a healthy baby. Take good care and God bless you and baby.

Yes. It can cause preterm labour and your baby can be a big size baby and you may need to do a c-sect. Best to avoid or cut down on sweet drinks/desserts & cut down on carbs. Take smaller meals but frequent. Must control diet.

cut down on carbs. no bubble tea! at this point of wks pregnancy and baby loves sugar and chocolates!

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