Avoid Dr Sidek from Mount E Specialist 🥲

Hello future mummies, just wanted to share a gynae whom from my personal experience you should avoid :) He’s quite well known in the Muslim communities where our elders would recommend him or Dr Aziz, or Dr Suzanna. These are the few that i know of. Dr Sidek, good thing is they have available slots if you want to arrange one on the day itself (reason why i chose him) but during my consultation, he was quite rude in a sense that upon entering the room, he just kept using his phone and no greeting etc. His scan, was so painful 😭 i’m currently with another gynae and he is way way way gentle over Dr Sidek. But the staff there were very nice though, such a waste to have such unpassionate gynae. Dr Suzanna on the other hand, is very famous among muslim community too who prefers female doctor. However, a few of my friends does not recommend her at all. Perhaps shes too busy to attend to you properly. A few of my friends after a month of vaginal delivery, still unable to walk 😭 Poor thing. Her stitching could be improved is shes not rushing all the time. Dr Aziz from PEH on the other hand, isnt pro natural if you’re thinking of natural all the way. Might want to avoid him. He’s also very open in a way where his humours are very sexual or harsh. He did mention if the mum does not want to feel pain during delivery, should think of aborting the baby as a joke. Some might be okay, some might not. Just sharing! As i was asking around a few opinions and this was what i got 🥳 Have a great pregnancy journey mummies 🥰

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