Please help save Baby Adrian’s life...

A fundraising intiative to at least raise at least 1.2 M to save the life of baby Adrian a 27week-old premature baby born on June 23,2021. Weighing only 810grams upon birth and given his current medical condition, baby Adrian is expected to stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for 3months or more. He is currently unstable to be transferred to government hospital. He is experiencing ups and downs of being a preemie such as very low birth weight, hypothermia, pneumonia, recurrent necrotizing enterocolitis, apnea and breathing problems. Through your good hearts, we’ll be able to give the best medical care to baby Adrian. Right now, he is still incubated and still needs support from the ventilator As of this date, his hospital bills are piling faster than we can keep up with at approximately Php 35,000 per day. We, his parents, plead for your help to save our baby Adrian. Your prayers and donations will matter a lot to my baby boy’s journey and we will forever be grateful of your generosity and love. Please share this to your friends, families, groups and other organizations for more help and prayers. You may send your love thru: Banco De Oro (BDO) Account name: Marie Joy L. Garcia Account number: 003330153479 Branch of account: Koronadal-Gensan Drive Swift Code: BNORPHMM Gcash Marie Joy L. Garcia 09171534057 Please us know when you have made deposit, transfer, and/or donation. We would like the opportunity to thank you for your loving help.

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