
Hi, ftm here... and just wondering how do we increase our breastmilk. Anyone have any advice on that? My breastmilk has been decreasing since baby born. It went increase for just 2 days and decrease after. I've been eating confinement and lactation food, drinking plenty of water, and even latching baby to suck or pump. Checked with doctor and was given multivitamin to help with lactation. But, my breastmilk just seems to not increasing.

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Try legendary milk supplements. Eating papaya and fish works too for me. Fenugreek and power pump dont work on me at all. Lactation cookies didnt work either. Try out diff methods for a few days and see what works for you. Pumped every 2-3hrs didnt work for me either only end up with sore nipple and blister infact for me 3-4hr is better. Im extremely low supply sometimes only 5-10ml sometimes even nth after pumping for 30mins now i on legendary milk supplements i can get about 40-60 per pump session

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11mo trước

thanks for the advice! Will have that a try

hi mummy. I gave birth last Tuesday. my milk supply was low in the beginning but now it's picking up. all I can say is to pump religiously and massage your breast before. during pumping, massage the lumpy parts of the breast to unclog the ducts. if it's painful, all the more u should press it. it works for me, now i get around 170-180ml during each pumping session

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11mo trước

my doesn't picks up at all, no matter what I do 😅 Tried many ways but my is still very very low.

Search “power pump” on google. Basically you pump 10mins then rest 10mins and then pump 10mins again. Try to pump every 2 hours to let your brain know that you need more milk. Then try food like salmon avocado and nuts but careful don’t get engorged. After you puml make sure you hand express and massage out. As empty as you can Jiayou

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11mo trước

Yes, power pumping worked for me too. I did it for a few days and eventually caught up with my baby’s demands thankfully.

I tried power pump n regular pumping... But it got lesser n lesser. Now I pump like 4 to 6 hrs interval, then it start to increase. So I guess it works differently for different people. Drink more fluid will help too.

11mo trước

you didn't take any supplements or anything? just by regular pumping?

do consider fenugreek supplements and red date tea with longan..n aso supplements from legendairy supplements

11mo trước

thank you for the recommendation... I've been taking fenugreek supplements and been drinking red dates with longan tea since I gave birth. 😅 but still low in supply. However doctor advice to give baby drink breastmilk as baby weight is heavy. So looking for some advice.

Can try taking domperidone