6 Replies

Hi mummy, I’ve been facing the same problem as you since my son is week 2. He doesn’t cry every hour but would not sleep in the day and wants someone beside him 24/7. If not, he’ll start bawling and trust me it’s a nightmare. If we’re lucky he gets an hour nap in the day and some cat naps here and there. Only the nanny would be able to pacify him. I introduced the pacifier to him at week 2 thinking this would be a foolproof method to calm him down but it turns out he doesn’t really like it! 🤔 He’s still having this issue now at week 4. If you can hold it out I’d recommend not introducing it if you can. But if not, perhaps you can introduce at week 2 when he’s established a breastfeeding schedule so he doesn’t get nipple confusion. If you’re nit breastfeeding I guess we have no problem! You must also remember your sanity is equally important and if pacifier is the way to go then so be it. Happy mommy = happy baby!

Honestly i wasnt keen to give a pacifier.. but my ger is very gassy all the time and she keeps wanting to suck smth all the time even after eating.. we all tot she was hungry and ended up overfeeding.. PD suggested to introduce pacifier to help soothe her.. i had a hard time trying to overcome my own mind to let her have it..

i intro my LO pacifier when he is abit fussy and want to soothe himself. But he doesnt like it, he even gags after awhile of sucking into it and spits it out. I only give him to help him sleep and after we wont give it even in the morning :)

i gave my baby girl at 1mth, no harm whether to give or not 😊. As we know that all babies will suck their finger or hand even when they are still in our womb so it's kind of their soothing moment in there

Initially I tried giving my son pacifier but he keeps spitting it out. Then I gave up and he hasn’t relied on pacifier since. He’s 25 months now.

I didn’t intro it and she’s 17mo now.

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