How do you arrange night shift with husband and helper?

Hi FTM mum here and I’m planning to hire a helper. I have confinement nanny for 1st month but not sure how to arrange once nanny leaves. Can any mums who have helper share if their helper take full night shift? Or you and hubby take night shift instead? Initially i plan to let helper take night shift but my mum questioned if i really trust helper with it. Thank you.

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Hi there! Congratulations on your pregnancy and soon-to-be new addition to the family! It's great that you're considering hiring a helper to assist you after the first month with the confinement nanny. In my experience, arranging the night shift with your husband and helper can be a good option. Some helpers are willing and capable of taking on the full night shift, allowing you and your husband to get some much-needed rest. However, it's important to ensure that you feel comfortable and trust your helper to handle the night shift responsibilities. If you're unsure about trusting your helper with the night shift, you and your husband can take turns with the night shifts. This way, you both get some rest while also bonding with your new baby during those late-night feedings and cuddles. It's all about finding a balance that works for your family! Communicate openly with your helper about your expectations and concerns regarding the night shift. It's important to establish a level of trust and understanding between both parties. You can also consider setting up a trial period to see how the night shift arrangement works out before committing to a long-term plan. Ultimately, the most important thing is that you and your husband feel comfortable and supported during this exciting yet challenging time. Trust your instincts and make decisions that work best for your family. Good luck, and take care!

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