Confirnment visitors

Hi, Ftm here. I wont be having a confinement nanny. I will be relying on my soon to arrive helper and my husband only. Parents and in laws are not able to help. My sis has kindly offered to fly here from overseas to help me for 1 month. However I am a little concerned as firstly she will be travelling to Thailand for holiday before arriving in sg and during the one month here she will be going out often like almost every day, to see our parents, to meet friends, relatives, exercise etc. If you were me, would you be ok to let her come to your house everyday rather than stay at your place and go out minimally? I am scared baby will fall sick.

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Are you sure she’s here to help you or just looking for a free stay? 🤔 because if she’s here to help you, I don’t think she will have much time to go out so often because taking care of a baby is not just a one or two hours thing and you’re done for the day. If I’m you, I would not let her come to my house daily.

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If she’s flying over for a month to help you, but will be going out every other day then she’s more like looking for a place to stay for her holidays rather than helping you. If that’s the case, I would minimize her contact with baby before the first vaccination.