1 Replies

It’s normal. Take a few nights off, ask hub to take over night feedings and rest other than pumping (if you are). We are all tired, hub just got to give and take a little on night duties. Your lack of sleep is what contributed to this on top of a crying baby which you are trying to understand. Take one step at a time. After feeding, you can hold baby in the same position or just let baby rest on your palms slightly elevated (5-10mins) then try to start burping her again. After burping, swaddle and off all the lights, on some white noise music for baby if it helps. They may cry due to gas, you can try ridwind drops for baby or just apply some ruyee oil to help. We have all been there, the fear of what’s upcoming and ahead for us. If you feel you need to stay away from a crying baby, see if someone else can take her for awhile while you rest and cool yourself.

My baby reach its 1 mth mark and sometimes have trouble sleeping at night too, same here broke down cried while baby is crying. I understand how you feel! It was probably lower intestines gas. So, using Yu Yee Oil (1tiny drop)&Minyak Telon(size of 20cent coin), do the 'ILOVEYOU' massage, followed by the feet massage (in the centre of the foot, rub clockwise). Then use a baby cloth binder (leave 1 finger space in between the cloth and tummy). This helps the movement of the gas internally and helps the baby alot. It helped mine, hope yours will work too! Link for ILOVEYOU massage: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSLgQUodj/ Link for Foot massage for baby: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSLgQeqHj/

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