Covid during pregnancy

Just found out that I’m Covid positive yesterday and I thought my body aches n pin n fatigue is due to the pregnancy n that I’m growing old. Any MÚmmy had covid during their pregnancy? Is there any advice on how to cope? Sigh pie. I can’t wait for Covid to be over =*(

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I'm tested positive day2 now at 22 wks. Had fever day1 but it broke out, was in sweat and then comes body sore and Runny nose. Called up kkh they say monitor as long no bleeding or waterbag leak and there's fetal movements, to self recover with paracetamol and 8th day still bad to see doctor to get PCR or if more worse symptoms to just check in to kkh. Hydrating more and taking fruit juices, vit C, greek yoghurt, coconut water, and dispelling all mucus or phlegm. Also inhaling steam from cloves in hot water. Let's get well soon mummies.

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