2 Replies

Super Mum

Hi Poorani, there are a few factors you would probably have to consider - the first being your doctor’s fee, where he/she can deliver baby and most importantly, the kind of birth you’d prefer for yourself. KKH is considered a government hospital and this would mean that as a foreigner, only the private patient fees would be applicable. The link for their antenatal package is here: https://www.kkh.com.sg/patient-care/areas-of-care/womens-services/pages/giving-birth-at-kkh/antenatal-packages-and-delivery-charges.aspx And there’s a delivery fee/charges calculator here: https://www.kkh.com.sg/patient-care/Pages/Estimated-Bill-Calculator-Form-Delivery.aspx If you see any questions regarding Medisave, tick the ‘No’ option. As for Thomson, this is a private hospital. And doctors fees here are higher. The estimated bill size, excluding antenatal package and doctor’s delivery fees can be found here: https://www.thomsonmedical.com/birth-at-thomson/finance-payment/average-hospital-bill-size/ This website does a very recent comparison: https://dollarsandsense.sg/much-cost-deliver-baby-singapore/ I would also suggest that you make a personal trip down to each hospital to run through the estimated bill size. This would give you a better gauge and a more precise one at that. Websites and hearsays will give you only a rough guide. Administrators there will be more than willing to talk dollars and cents with you and financial advisors are always on standby. Finally, if you’d like you can reach out to me via email - doulahjamz@gmail.com and I’d be more than happy to help you with no obligations. I hope this helps.

Super Mum

Oh and also, do check out the related posts to your question. They contain quite a bit of information too

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