5 Replies


Pls let your gynae know about it as she might give you supplements or advise on do's and dont's so you can be cautious. Although it is normal to have spotting in the first trimester it is better to keep it away by being extra careful. Do not consume sweets, do not over strain

Yes it is normal. I also experienced it around 7 weeks. Doc gave me Duphaston medicine as well as jabs and all well. So don’t stress, trust your doctor and all will be well. Most importantly- don’t stress at all. Hope all is fine :)

Hi i had brown discharge at first trimester doc gave duphaston and subsequently went to KKH coz more brown discharge came out, Doc did a swab on on vagina and i had Bacterial Vaginosis. Was given antibiotics and all was good after that.

yup it's normal though just let your gynae know about the spotting and see what they advice! don't stress about it 🙂

spotting in first trim is very normal.

Thank you so much! I was so worried but I’ve a gynae appointment on Monday. Hope all is well😄

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