3 Replies

Your husband sounds like a very entitled Singaporean who views themself higher just because someone’s citizenship is lower than them. I’d advise to apply for SC for yourself if you’ve hit the requirements. That way you are EQUAL with him. Stand up for yourself, don’t let his words bring you down. Go overseas with baby mafan? No worries, you can enjoy your trip, I’ll handle baby myself overseas. At the very least I get to create memories with my baby. At this point I won’t want to travel with him alone anymore if knowing his character. If he finds it mafan, then I’ll go alone with baby he can stay in sg 😊. Idc how you wanna say your parents but please respect they are my parents, they brought me up not you. The least you can do is respect and shut up if you got nothing nice to say. I personally won’t leave my kids to either side of the parents so I’d rather bring them along even if it’s more tiring, at the very least I don’t have to worry about them while I am overseas. Or if I want the grandparents to enjoy, bring them along. You can’t control how his dad wanna spend, just don’t allow it to be a habit where he got scammed then ended up asking for more money. If he can afford to do that, let him be as long as he still pays for baby. You cannot change his mindset but you can start by changing the things you accept and allowed him to. You are the baby mommy, you should have the say for baby too, not always him. I won’t harm the baby right? Don’t make it sound like everything I do is wrong while everything you do is good for baby. Be strong and stand up for yourself mama, you’ve got this!

Hi mummy, you should stand up for your own right be stern. Dont always let him step all over you. Every parents are different and who is he to tell that you parents are weird when he himself have, i believe, little knowledge of taking care of baby. And you are also allowed to enjoy yourself and take a break whenever you want. And i agree with the other mummy, he sound like typical singapore who feel entitled and look down on PR or foreigners.

Be confident, mummy! Different families have different culture/practice. Don't let him make you feel like you/your mom is weird. SC or PR, both of you have equal rights to decide for your child. Just need to find a middle ground. Find a time with him, sit down and really straighten things out with him. Do it before things pile up. Don't wait until it erupts like a volcano. Sending a virtual big hug to you, mummy!

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