3 Replies

please dont wait to go get it checked... I was spotting at week 6, I panicked and didnt know what to do, I waited for 12hrs until I told my parents whom rushed me to KKH Urgent Care. doctor said my pregnancy was not stable, I could have lost baby if I waited any longer. was prescribed medication to stabilise pregnancy. currently in my 3rd trimester thankfully 🙏🏼 hope you and your baby are ok 💕

Yup its called spotting. Monitor first, if it turns fresh blood or you have abdominal pain or if the amount is alot, go to kkh urgent o&g. I also got spotting in 2nd and 3rd, but everything was fine

I went to KKH cos it was a Sunday and was given duphaston to stabilize pregnancy. Most of the time it’s nothing but for a peace of mind would suggest you check it with your gynae asap!

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