Once nausea started my weight dropped. Its only until weeks 19+ where my nausea got better and I was so hungry and ate like a bear that I regained my lost weight and more. Now Im 25 weeks and since start of 2nd trimester, I gained about 3kg overall. My nausea recently returned like a beast though 🥲🥲🥲
But luckily for me I could drink liquids. Everytime I felt like vomiting I just drink a few mouth of icy water to keep my vomit down. Tho I keep throwing up, I think I drank so much that my vomitting could not keep up with my consumption haha.
Anyways if you can't take water, maybe try sparkling water, or soda water. There's gas and it will make you keep burping but I find that it tastes better than water. or eat ice. I find water disgusting but ice absolutely refreshing.