Hi mommies . Im 16wks now. Wanted to know how many scans are done throughout pregnancy.
#firstbaby . Keen on knowing how many scans are suggested in the whole 9th months tenure. Do we have to visit gynec every 4-5 weeks after 16th week.

Hi Mummy! Let me share mine at KKH under subsidised. KKH Consultations ✅26 Feb - 1st scan @ AMC ✅30 Mar - 2nd scan @ AMC ($135.16) ✅9 Apr - DS Test @ ADC ($285.50) ✅4 May - Doppler for heart rate ($47) ✅11 June - Gender Reveal @ ADC ($131.36) ✅14 July - OGTT ($83.50) ✅8 Aug - Breech baby @ ADC ($63) ✅12 Aug - Doppler for heart rate($62.36) ✅2 Sept - Doppler for heart rate, scheduled C-sect on 14 Oct ($47) ✅24 Sept - Baby head down @ AMC, c-sect cancelled, swab test for bacteria ($147) ✅8 Oct - Doppler for heart rate($47) ✅15 Oct - Doppler for heart rate($47) 19 Oct - EDD Personally I feel that some appts are not necessary at all. My scans were those in AMC and ADC. Some of my friends skipped their appts and only went for the OGTT. You will be able to claim $900 worth of pre-pregnancy bills via Medisave but I got mine via cheque of $1+k which KKH reimbursed as my insurance had gotten the bill covered. And I’m a citizen so I’m not sure why or how. Hahaha. Plus I had to stay in the hospital for 6 days after delivery due to post-pregnancy complications. I developed pre-eclampsia, and had no problems during pregnancy at all. Had emergency c-sect with full GA as well. My baby had to be placed in phototherapy for 24hrs too. My total bill size was $11+k before govt subsidy and even so I had to topup $4+k remaining in cash after subsidy. But my insurance got it covered so I didn’t have to fork out a single cent at all. Instead I received $900 in cheque for my daily hospital stay. So do manage your finances well and do consider getting hospital insurance (the minimum) if you haven’t had any yet. And if you’re really financially tight, do see a social worker. They can help you out. I have a friend whose kid was premature at 25 weeks, had to stay in NICU for 3 months and their bill size was almost 6-figured. Met with a social worker and eventually didn’t pay anything at all. All the best Mummy! ❤️
Read moreI go for monthly scans all the way till I’m 30 weeks and it’s becomes once every three weeks. The frequency of scans increases towards the end to check for contraction as well. It’s important to go for scans because we need to know how baby is growing inside. In the mid point if your pregnancy, there will also be a detailed scan.
Read moreI’m with a private gynae and I had my scans every 2 weeks from the day he confirm my pregnancy till week 20. After week 20 I had a package with him and I’m require to see him every 4 weeks. After Week 32 I see him every 2 weeks again and after week 36 is weekly till I deliver. He does ultrasound scans for me every gynae visits
Read moreNot sure for private but you can request for scans on your every visits. For subsidised patients though you'll only get 4-5 scans or more depending if there is any complications in your pregnancy. And normally the last scan is between 30-32 weeks (depends).
My gynae did the scans during each of my monthly consultation. Mid 2nd tri till 3rd, also did the 3D scan. There will also be 1 detailed scan. From wk 35 onwards, it became more frequent, almost weekly. Mine is private clinic gynae.
thank you all. yes i do feel not all scans are necessary. but yes the Doctor knows best. i have a package with them. Right thru the 40th week. So i think its fair enough. one scan every 5 weeks. until last month.
under subsidised 3 scans for normal pregnancy
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