It's your first time so yes the discomfort is there. Maybe u may want to try to massage your breasts first before pumping. Wld be good to also warm them up by using warm compress to prep them and to allow milk to flow easier. After a few times u'll get used to it. And u may also want to check if your flange is of the right size, depends on ur nipple size. Esp if u're using Spectra, u can buy different flange.
Yup, and also because it’s your first time and your boobs haven’t gotten used to it so it’s more sensitive. After your boobs got used to it, it shouldn’t hurt as long as your flange size is correct and no clogged ducts. You can also take sunflower lecithin to help thin out your milk, rub some breast milk/coconut oil (edible) before you pump to reduce the friction while pumping.
Yes, my face will always cringe on the first pump. Rem to use massage mode first before expression, to let ur nipples get used to it, after a few mins, u will get used to the suction.
it is! mine was so painful at first, lasted for a few weeks and body slowly get adjusted. try to adjust tohe power mode and increase it slowly as you pump.
Apply nipple cream on the flange, it helps to minimise the discomfort.
somewhat but more imptly to hv gd supply of bm which i dont 😭