17 Replies

Same! They get very inquisitive at this age. As the appearance of a new building or place appears in front of them, this gets them excited and curious about what is ahead of them. Perhaps before the actual shopping or reading, go along with them and let them explore, help them recognise things. Take it as a learning journey together, and you can pick up some groceries along the way. It's always very educational during such outings for the kids as they are amazed with all the sights, colours and sounds around them. Don't fret, just enjoy such moments with your child :)

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Yup very normal. Mine is 16 months old and drives me nuts by how much she wants to run around and explore everything. While it's a good thing that she's so curious, my goodness the amount of energy she has. I am usually worn out by the end of the day. I found that putting her in playgroup and mygym has really helped as she gets to explore there. Mygym is great as it's 2 hours of exercise and she's exhausted and sleeps promptly by the end of it. ;) This is what they do at playgroup.

Busy Tables is awesome! It's mainly parent-accompanied, they're having a sensory carnival on Saturday if you're interested to find out more!

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Yes they are mostly all the same! in fact parents should worry if their toddler doesn't do that! It gets better as they become older(;

I think it is normal. You might want to bring him to a park to let him run around and explore. I recommend hort park.

VIP Member

By nature, children are curious and they learn through play. Your LO is just a normal, healthy and happy child 👶

VIP Member

yes it's perfectly for toddlers to be super active and not settle down. their curiosity level is at its peak.

Same! Mine throws tantrums! They just wana explore n very curious.

Super normal and a smart kid I'd say.

VIP Member

It's very normal! They just want to explore!

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