KKH subsidised birth experience

Hi! First time mom here & currently 19weeks pregnant. Starting to consider if i should go to private or stay at the subsidised rate because i do not mind changing gynae or my husband not staying overnight 😅 I think i would like to save $ as much as i can due to the unforeseen circumstances of times rn but worried if the birth experiences would be much different mentally between private & subsidy. Would anyone like to share their birth experiences as a subsidised patient at KKH? been trying to look it up here, but to no avail. 😅😅 #advicepls #firstbaby

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Delivery suite treatment the same, husband will still be with you subsidies or private. If you are under subsidies, they just assign you any available doc or midwife. Which not an issue for me.. 💁🏽‍♀️ Only the ward is different after that. If you were to go under private & IF A class ward is fully booked on that very day, you will still ended up in the other class ward. I’m contemplating as well whether to switch or not to. It’s just going to be like a night stay for normal delivery.. I’d rather spend the extra money on the baby’s arrival. Hmm..

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