KKH subsidised birth experience

Hi! First time mom here & currently 19weeks pregnant. Starting to consider if i should go to private or stay at the subsidised rate because i do not mind changing gynae or my husband not staying overnight 😅 I think i would like to save $ as much as i can due to the unforeseen circumstances of times rn but worried if the birth experiences would be much different mentally between private & subsidy. Would anyone like to share their birth experiences as a subsidised patient at KKH? been trying to look it up here, but to no avail. 😅😅 #advicepls #firstbaby

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nowadays not much difference be it private or subsidised. especially at KKH. so best to stick to subsidised cos either way you’re gonna get s*** gynaes and midwifes. unless u’re having ur regular check ups at other hospitals then maybe you can try surveying thru online