13 Các câu trả lời

Excited. Pregnancy was great, yes got some sickness and cramps but I got lots of rest. It is not how you feel about 1st time pregnant. Pregnancy is 40 weeks only, taking care of a child is for a lifetime. Prepare well mentally and start planning on your support system on journey after labour: 1. Unless you get someone to help you at night/other times of the day, you will not get a full stretch of sleep, at most a few of 1 or 2 hours at a time sleep. Sleep when the baby sleeps is not so easy when you have other house chores to do. 2. Breastfeeding/ formula/ mixed. You will be judged if your option is not full breastfeeding, even if the reason is milk supply is low and you just top up with formula. Working mums will struggle with finding time/place to pump after returning from maternity leave. Your milk supply may even drop. 3. Babies can be crying machines, especially if they have colic/ fall sick. You may have done everything right but the crying just won't stop - give milk, change diapers, massage tummy, do bicycle exercise, rock them. This sounds like nothing now, but try this when you had a few 1 hour sleep in a day (no 1 full stretch of sleep ever). Sometimes you end up crying with the baby. 4. Babies need you all the time. Hard to even find time to eat/ go toilet and shower. They can wake up anytime from their sleep. Dont think you can go eat/shower in peace just because the baby just fell asleep. I admit I was not prepared mentally and did not get enough support on raising a baby. I advise you to prepare well. Yes, hugging/ seeing your baby makes you feel better, but you are still dead tired inside.

Alhamdulillah.. happy, excited and a bit nervous sbb akan ada seorg makhluk yg akan bergantung pada kita kehidupannya. N sibuk buat preparation utk sambut baby, bersalin etc. But at the end, rupanya pasca melahirkan tu yg lagi mencabar. Imagine having to treat yourself postpartum, dealing with a baby yg kita barely knew them, the challenges of breastfeeding, sleep debt.. Whatever it is, just fikirkan bahawa anak ini lah yg akan menjadi saham akhirat kita dan ladang pahala. Dan selalu semat di dalam kepala, anak ni tak minta utk dilahirkan oleh kita, tp kita lah yg meminta utk dia dilahirkan.. jadi jagalah mereka dgn sebaiknya..

ofcoz happy...but at the same time confuse...bcause this is my 2nd preg for the first baby .last time silent MC...this time around, tested upt and 2 lines came out..but scared to scan due to traumatize..thanks to Allah because ive no morning sickness .due to this and not scan yet, i was always thinking 'am i preg?'..but when scanning done..praise to Allah, it was 11w and baby is moving actively...cried on the spot..

Im a first time, i felt speechless whether to be happy or sad since i did not expected but now Alhamdulillah after 3months i felts energise and felt happy but im worried when they said they have a movement and i cant felt the movement. Anyway may Allah keep us & the baby safe in this challenging journey ..

VIP Member

I have been TTC for 5 years. First thing that came to my mind when I knew that I'm pregnant 🤰...I'm so extremely excited and happy ofcoz.

confused,worried about future..tapi know2 dah dua org anak..always doa Ya Allah bantu aku jaga amanah ini..

Happy. Syukur Alhamdulillah. At the same time risau dapat tak jaga amanah Allah ni dgn baik.


Myself, felt both. Since i really wanted a baby. Always thankful 💜🥰

excited and happy. just like wanted to shout to the world. hahaha😅

of course la happy...

Confused, sad and overwhelmed

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