Gestational Sac only/No embryo yet

Hi, my first scan was at 5 weeks and 2 days. As per doctor it's too early to detect a heartbeat and what was seen in the scan was the gestational sac only and no embryo yet. I'm scheduled for another scan on Jan. 22. I'm worried that only a sac was seen during the first scan and I thought I was already 6-7 weeks by that time. I'm experiencing morning sickness like vomiting and food aversions, is this a good sign that my baby developed fine and by the next scan we'll be able to see an embryo? Waiting for my next scan feels like forever. #firstbaby #1stimemom #pregnancy #advicepls

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dont stress yourself too much mumsh. baka too early pa nga ang 5wks to detect anything. 6wks and 3days na ko nung unang transv ko. think positive lang ☺️

4y trước

Same po first transv ko 5 weeks and 3 days. Masyado pa po maaga yung ganon. Bukas po balik ko for transv ulit. Nakakakaba. Sana okay si baby and makita na heartbeat nya :) 😇🥰