Overthinking first time mum

This is my first pregnancy and im not sure what to expect. Im in my 16th week, but theres not a day that goes by that i dont worry for my baby in my tummy. Is it doing well? Is it still breathing? Is it still growing? Especially its still too early to feel baby movement of kicks, im not sure if baby is doing well or not. Im trying not to spend too much $ on private gynae for scans in between my kkh appt. I worry too much, that from the start of my pregnancy till now i sometimes dream about miscarriages, which made me even more worried. Is it normal? So far i never experience any bleeding etc #firstbaby #firstmom

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Just relax, dont stress yourself neither google or read so much. You can do it but at minimal. Ask gynae when you are in doubt. Trust your instinct whenever you feel it is right or wrong. Always ask your next kin like mum, sister whenever you are unsure. Dont compare yourself with others. Take in whats good and ignore whats bad. Not everything is the same for all mummies. So you do you. And yes it is too early to feel kick, toss, turn of babies. What I can say you are also feeling anxiety on this pregnancy. Hence if you are feeling so, you should also speak to your gynae pertaining this. You can also share with your spouse to avoid feeling too overwhelm with emotions.

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I’m 2 weeks postpartum and I know exactly how u are feeling, cause I was 100% like you. Take good care of yourself by eating and resting well, that’s the best for your baby :) While pregnant, I talked a lot to my baby, told her what’s going on, what were we doing and etc. I did once walk in to check on my brownish discharge and how was baby doing. Just do what you feel is right. Try to enjoy the pregnancy, it will pass very quickly. I miss my baby being in my belly very much ☺️

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hi ! it is normal to think like this as I was the same too. I went for 2 A&E within 3 month coz my baby movement was less. But please don't over think it as it will give you no good but stress for no reason, which is not good for you and the baby. Remember as long as there is no symptoms line bleeding, then you are all good. Trust me, all will go well

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Hi I'm also week 16 pregnant this week. I've also had a miscarriage prior to this.. And totally understand how u felt.. Im always worried that I will not see the baby on the scans during my visit. I'm sure this will pass ❤️

I totally feel you too.. currently in my 15th weeks. I too feel anxiety and worried as I had 2 MC few years back.