2 Các câu trả lời

Criteria for selecting candidates for VBAC include the following: (1) one previous low-transverse cesarean delivery; (2) clinically adequate pelvis; (3) no other uterine scars or previous rupture; (4) a physician immediately available throughout active labor who is capable of monitoring labor and performing an emergency cesarean delivery; and (5) the availability of anesthesia and personnel for emergency cesarean delivery. The likelihood of successful VBAC is impacted negatively by labor augmentation and induction, maternal obesity, gestational age beyond 40 weeks, *** interdelivery interval of less than 19 months, and birth weight greater than 4,000 g (8 lb, 11 oz). ***highlighted for you https://www.aafp.org/pubs/afp/issues/2004/1001/p1397.html

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