4 Replies

Hi, check out this probiotic call Lacto GG. My #1 had very bad eczema too and when I was pregnant with #2, someone introduced me to Lacto GG and I took it every other day when I was pregnant. #2 is only 3 weeks old so too early to tell you how effective it is but it did help with my own allergies when I took it. You might want to consult your gynae first but in my opinion, even if it doesn't help with my baby's eczema, probiotics are good for my gut health so I see no harm giving it a shot. https://m.facebook.com/LactoGG.Changed.Our.Lives/posts/434917753252408

If it's hereditary, there's not much you can do to avoid it but you can try controlling the condition. While eczema is not an allergic reaction, alot of children who have eczema also have food allergies. Certain foods such as dairy products, eggs, nuts -- usually common food allergy triggers -- can cause the eczema or aggravate it. But before you start abstaining from all these foods, best to check with your doctor.

Even though its hereditary, you can go for a skin prick test. My boy has eczema as well.. Hereditary. However i brought him to kkh to do the test and turns out, egg and heat was his worst enemy. My second boy has it as well and i have yet to figure out the cause of it.

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