Fingers swelling up
My fingers are swelling up and at times causes by numbness and feels sore.. Is it entirely water retention? #advicepls #pregnancy

Same here, yup it's water retention with carpal tunnel syndrome. Painful to make a fist due to my fingers swelling. my hand numbness tends to occur more when I bend my wrist towards myself (for example holding my phone while in bed), so I'm trying to be more disciplined and avoid those wrist positions. can try shaking your hands/wrist during numbing episodes; you should feel relief quickly if it's due to carpal tunnel syndrome :).
Read moreLikely water retention, I had tt too during 3rd tri. My feet and fingers swelled so bad, my wrist also was painful, made worse by the numerous marking I had to do. Doc said cld also be carpal tunnel so he made me wear hand braces. It did reduce the pain a lil and try to soak ur hands in an ice bath. It helped to reduce the swelling at least for a few hours.
Read moreseems like this issue is common, mine surfaced at 8mth too. having weekly prenatal massage helps to reduce pain and swelling. masseuse mentioned cutting down on cold water and drinking just lukewarm water helps too. form a c shape with your thumb n finger and press from your wrist towards your elbow gently, it helps to reduce the pain too.
Read moreI saw below details on article. sharing with you " swelling in your hands is caused by a build up of fluid in the tissues. Some of this fluid can collect in the carpal tunnel, placing pressure on the median nerve, compressing it and causing tingling and numbness in your hands and fingers."
yes, gynae said it's carpal tunnel and likely to go away after birth! but I just received another news today. I have preeclampsia at 36 weeks! and will have to be induced next week. gasp!! =(
Yes… after delivery I continue to suffer from the tunnel syndrome 😓 Now I’m undergoing therapy to help my hands recover.
I have the same problem! I'm in my 3rd trimester now