4 Replies

Normal. Morning sickness comes and goes. Some will have it till their 3rd trimester while the lucky ones don't even experience any of it. Rest assure it's normal. I don't have spottings either and my MS comes and goes especially when I'm pregnant with a boy. I don't experience any when I'm carrying a girl. As long as there is no bleeding, you & baby are doing great! ☺️

I didnt have morning sickness, skmetimes Nausea but didnt vomit, my tender breast at first starting to diminish' I am afraid also because I had MC last 2020, I was at the OB around 4 weeks and he said it was so early to see anything, I will be 6 weeks tomorrow and have an appt. hopefully all goes well-

i experienced the same thing! but as long as u don't have very bad cramps and bleeding, then it should be fine. my morning sickness came back after a few days though haha

Thank you all for your reply!! This really helps assure me 😊 appreciate all your replies!

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