5 Replies

Yes your symptoms are normal! Do expect to feel cramps for the next few weeks too as i experience it until i was 8-9 weeks or so. For now try to eat healthy and take care of yourself. Also very important to start taking folic acid during first trimester (im using blackmores).

I dont remember the mg but i only took 1 tablet a day, as 400mg is already sufficient

Good to be able to eat. I haven been able to keep food down and have already lost coming 4kg. Saw my gynae on week 6 (it has only passed one wk now omg) and managed to see thru ultrasound.

Yes it’s normal! Just have to wait patiently for the appointment and don’t do any vigorous exercise!:) I have similar symptoms too I wake up v hungry!

Haha.. I am trying to restrict as much movement as I can.. I will be hungry the whole day and immediate hunger like 15 mins after my full meal 😭

hi !! u are heading down at week 6? I have an appt at week 6 too but thibking whether to push it to week 7-8..

I delay too cos w6 they scan n provide folic w8 same. nth much to speak about suppose next appt W10. I delay till w12.

Different preggy different symptoms. But urs r pretty normal n common. Dont worry 🙏🙏

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