feeling very blue and feel somewhat in a dark hole. just had a baby 11weeks and people aay things will get better but i dont see the light at the end of the tunnel. lack the sleep. am either pumping or craddling the baby. havent left the house in days. even if i do plan to step out something stops me to. am emotional.. tired and feels as tho i dont have family to help or support me. i cant seem to lose the pregnancy weight and just feel utterly urgh and lonely. any advise would help

hey mummy!!! me too!!! i didnot go out except for visit to clinic/pd. and i was in a terrible shape. i did not wanna see guests yet confinement period is like keep entertaining guest. my relationship also was quite straining with my mum and husband. to be frank, the whole situation actually push me and my mum apart. which is quite sad. but i cannot stand to give in on my views and we ended up w lots of quarrels. but this is my baby and i do feel more empowered when i decide on things myself rather than following like a blind mouse. i was also angry abt many things and even my husband. sometimes even with baby. everything also fed up. going out cannot find clothes to wear also angry. in short i was soooo unhappy and finding fault w all things. then i start to focus on bb and the little things abt bb that is adorable and slowly less focus on things that made me fed up. at one time i even tell my hubby to leave me alone as facing him made me angry. in short i jus wanted to feel happy again and trying to find happy things to be around. something to be sure, it also helps to be around other mummies who has no qualms to hearing you rant it out. sometimes i hear other ppl rant their problems then count my blessing actually my situation not that bad. btw you can find facebook groups for support. but i also must warn that it's luck too to find a group that serves as support and not poison. so, mummy, you are NOT alone. things may look very negative now but mummy you will get stronger!!!
Read moreWe've all been through that, and really, it WILL get better! jia you mummy!! this is the period u need all the help u can get, leave all the housewrk n cooking to others and dn feel guilty about that.(involve ur hubby!) its all abt baby n u now. i find ur current condition vry similar to mine. i was in a perpetual low n bad mood with no energy to do anything except nurse n pump. i was terrible n scolded my family members all the time. the pain frm the stitches was so bad i couldnt sit easily. i had so little sleep that i developed mild hallucinations. i did nt leave the hse except to see the doc. basically i realised that i suffered frm pp depression, which lasted up to 3mths after i gave birth. luckily my spouse n family were understanding n gave in to me all the time. LO is 7mths now n things hav gotten so so so much better. so mummy, take each day at a time n b4 u know it, it has passed n ur lo wld have grown so much! (i actually miss the time my lo was so small, though I'm enjoying tis period now too, haha) u r not alone n u hav done great so far, press on!!!!
Read moreYeah it'll be good if u have joined a Whatsapp/Facebook group of ur baby's birth month. When u feel that nobody at home understands, the mummies in the group will because they are going through almost the same as u do. My baby is 17wks now & I still lack sleep but it has become a routine. When I feel tired, I grab my girl, side latch her & force her to nap with me in the afternoon! But I do go out, quite a lot I must say! Our lives need to regulate with the baby so do try to meet up with friends for coffee/meals/chitchat. Thus a mummies support group will do u good! Don't despair!
Read moreYou're not alone babe. Sometimes i feel very blue, especially having to juggle both work & home. Simply no me time and not sufficient of rest.. Have you started work? if yes, its good to take a day or half a day off to spend some time on yourself. if not, you can probably talk to your husband, get him to look after baby on a wkend so that you can get out of the house & have some time yourself. These little breaks does help me get a bit of my sanity back :)
Read moreTalk to a counsellor. Get some help and get some me time. Maybe join some support group on WhatsApp and talk about things? You may find that maybe you are not alone. It will probably do you good to just take a break from this. Go ask some friends out and have a good meal. Talk about things other than baby, pumping etc. Maybe get your family to come over and help, chat? So that you don't feel all alone?
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U said u tried some sort of routine but doesn't work, mind sharing ur day to day activity at home with baby? Do u stay with in-laws/parents and if yes, what level of influence do they have in ur current life?
thank you gladys. im trying to bring bsck normalcy or at least some sort of routine. however it isnt working. even with pumping milk out..
Hi dear .. Hang in there. A big hug to you. You are not alone. How long have you been feeling down ?
Have U joined any of the mummy WhatsApp chats? You should join your baby's birth month
Which month is your baby born in?