Mom In Law

Just feeling annoyed but not sure where to share... Mom in law asked me n my 2 boys 4 yrs old and 3 mths old to come over to my bro inlaw house. No occasion. Just that she is going there so she asked us to come over. I agreed coz i thought its in the afternoon. Turns our she arrived there at 7plus and expect me to come over soon after. ? My husb is working though so its just us 3. My baby needs to sleep by 10 so that i can REST. Im just surprised and upset that she was being self centered and not thinking of my situation. If she really wants to meet my baby why not come over to my place then? ?

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Abit late just wanted to check.. Is this the first grandchild in the extended family? I realised my own parents had to have a mindset change when my first child came and he was the first grandchild on my side of the family. Although they were a tactful about it, I realise it took some time for them to get used to family gatherings ending earlier than it used to be. Let MIL know what works for your family and what doesn't and stick to it. They'll get used to it after a while, ignore the commentary in the neantime.

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4y trước

Yikes. Well, stick to your schedule then. If she can't understand then that on her, not you. You have a right to protect your sanity and children's bedtimes. 10pm is already late by some standards, my #1 used to conk out at 7pm before he went to preschool (no kidding). Now #2's bedtime is usually at most 9pm before he gets cranky.