Faint line

Hi, is faint line still positive result? Missed my period 5 days already. Masih ragu2 nak jumpa doktor utk check 😅

Faint line
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positif. tapi masih awal. kalau pergi scan skrg buat awak panik je if doctor ckp belom nmpk pape. nk nampak kantung dlm rahim boleh scan masa usia kandungan awak 6@7w. nak nampak baby&heartbeat klip2 boleh scan masa usia kandungan 8@9w dn keatas

2y trước

Okay, tq 💕. Nnt 8@9 weeks I try pegi scan sbb kalau kira dr last first day period baru 5 weeks.

Tahniah sis. klu sis cek pakai air kencing pertama lepas bangun pagi mmg positif sis. cuma mayb trlalu awal lagi. sy pun mcm ni juga waktu tu 2d lagi before jadual period. cek positif. alhamdulillah skrg menunggu hari. doakan sy ya sis 😁

2y trước

Aah ramai juga ckp masih awal kan 😅. Tahniah utk sis juga, semoga semua nya dipermudahkan kan 😇

try dip n tell. masa sy hritu 5-6 weeks scan masih tak nampak dan doc nk cnfirm pregnant pun 50-50.. sbb tiap bdn berbeza sis. sy 8-9 weeks bru nmpk skli heartbeat tp sy scan n check swasta dlu bru buka buku msa 12weeks.

2y trước

Okay nnt sy try dip and tell, sbb ikut kiraan pun baru 5 weeks mcm tu. Tq for the info 💕

try upt lain yg dekat farmasi. if still faint, tunggu next week test semula. saya tahu mesti excited nak g scan semua kan tp sabar dulu tunggu 8-10weeks baru g scan sebab time tu janin dh ada heartbeat😊

2y trước

Yes, excited nak kepastian tu 😊 hehe. Okay, nnt sy try upt lain. Thanks for answering 💕

Influencer của TAP

Then try again another 5 days. Look exactly like mine last time😊. Congratulations in advance! Take care 🌹

2y trước

Alright, sure will do 😊, hehe... Thank u so much

try again after a week. the line should be clearer sbb klau u scan skrg x nmpk pun lg

2y trước

Yes, will do... Lots of caring sisters here suggesting the same thing as you said. I akan test semula nnt, dah pasti baru pegi scan. Btw, tq 💕 💕

Hye, keep testing everyday. Jaga diri. Dah delay 2 minggu period you pergi scan tau

2y trước

Ok sis, will try to test as frequent as I can just to make sure 😅. Tq for answering 💕

pregnant ni..

2y trước

Inshaallah 😊, aminn 🥰. Tq sis