First trimester ultrasound can only see gestational sac without yolk sac

Hi, any of u experienced that ultrasound during first trimester showed only gestational sac but no yolk sac seen? I’m so worried because doctor say cannot see yolk sac. Doctor schedule another ultrasound later time.

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When it's very early, can't see yolk sac. Don't worry too much! I can't rmb when I could see yolk sac but at 4weeks + or 5 weeks can't see, and by week 8 can hear heartbeat

Same experience for me, doctor scans and see no sav or baby. Took blood test and ask to come back another time… Probably it is too early.

Go for next scan. doctor will explain and advise you on this . I have a experience.

5y trước

Doctor told me about miscarriage and options how to do it 😢😢