9 Replies

Yes I did. Just now when I left house, the sun was so sunny. And when I was at the hawker buying food, i just starting feeling cold suddenly. Been about an hour and I’m still feeling a little cold

inly in first trimester and early second. after that i need to shower 4-5 times a day coz im constantly sweating even in aircon fan room.

i did during my first trimester. come 2nd trimester onwards i was sweating so much even with the aircon and fan on. take care!

Same! Esp in first few months i felt colder than usual, now in 3rd tri and sitting under fan also perspire!

im the opposite .. i feel hot and perspire alot, currently 26weeks .. i need both aircon and fan to sleep at night.

yes first & second trimester. enjoy... because you will sweat even in aircon room in third trimester

in my first tri, i would come out of shower shivering. got better in 2nd trimester though

yes. due to hormones. can suddenly feel very hot even in air con room

yes it’s a normal symptom

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