Fetal size smaller

Hi everyone, wanted to see if anyone experience this before. I went for a ultrasound scan at 5th week. There was only yolk sac I was having brown discharge went to a&e, everything was okay,baby was growing at 6th week. But at 7th week baby didn't have heart beat during ultrasound and size became smaller. Doctor say to prepare mentally as it maybe possible miscarriage. There will be another scan to check one week later. Have anyone experience this before?#pleasehelp #firsttimemom #advicepls #firstbaby

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I had bad bleeding which lasted till week 5. Went for check, couldn't find anything at all. I was given progesterone tablet. usually for week 6 till week 12, they will do vaginal ultrasound because its still small. is it the same for you?

2y trước

hi, I was given progesterone too due to brown discharge,but till now there is no heart beat, I supposed to be in my 8th week, fetal size the same as 5th week so highly is a miscarriage