4 Replies

Hi dear, it sounds like my first pregnancy. My baby was 9weeks 5 days but ultrasound showed that at 8weeks5days , no heartbeat. Dr said it is miscarriage. I and my husband could not believe it, so we were waiting another week to go check with another Dr, The baby's size now became 7weeks 3days… End up with a miscarriage. But I hope that your situation because machine has wrong, pray for your baby, hope he/she will have heartbeat soon.!

did the miscarriage took place naturally?

I had bad bleeding which lasted till week 5. Went for check, couldn't find anything at all. I was given progesterone tablet. usually for week 6 till week 12, they will do vaginal ultrasound because its still small. is it the same for you?

hi, I was given progesterone too due to brown discharge,but till now there is no heart beat, I supposed to be in my 8th week, fetal size the same as 5th week so highly is a miscarriage

Your experience sounds exactly like mine for my first pregnancy, minus that I didn’t have any spotting. At week 8, I went back for a scan and the embryo shrunk in size and lost its heartbeat. I ended up with a miscarriage. 😞

After discovering the lack of heartbeat and confirming miscarriage, I was given Misoprostol to induce a period. Over the next 12 hours my period came and content in the womb was expelled.

it’s quite normal to only have yolk sac and no heartbeat it’s still early. have faith.. may hear it next week or so

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