4 Replies

Hi, I had heavy bleeding twice during week 13.. went to A&E both times and its caused by a polyps. Doc said it can only be removed after delivery, so meanwhile I have to live with and monitor the bleeding. At week 25 now, still have some spotting once in a while, but so far I'm doing ok. Better to get it checked if the bleeding continues.

in my 1st pregnancy i had no spotting however in my 2nd pregnancy i do hv spottings sometimes..im 4 months pregnant now, baby also ok. My spotting was bright red mixed with thick clear mucus. If u feel anxious than see gynae.

hows everything now? coz I'm experiencing spotting too on my 7th week and I'm worried.

I am in my 22nd week now everything is normal 😊

I have experienced no fetal pole :(

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