34 Các câu trả lời

Me too I cry almost every night and sometimes it can last for 1 hour. My husband keeps on hugging me because I think that just the hormones changes.

I baru je tadi menang is tanpa sebab. And almost everyday I Tiba2 nangis. I pregnant 9weeks and pregnant kali kedua.. Tapi ni first time get emo easily

not all husband will understand... do send him to a class or while he is busy with phones or something he focus onto... give him a whatsapp.. surely he will read 🤭

The only way to do this is by telling your spouse what you need. Explain in words as men may miss subtle clues. I am sure he will come around.

VIP Member

be strong. jangan follow emosi because baby will feel the same. baby also can get stress from inside..

Saya dah dua bulan xjumpa husband sjk PKP ni. Semua urus sendiri dgn anak lagi sorang. 😭

VIP Member

It’s okay. A lot of women are that way. I hope everything gets better! 🌸

Me to always so easily stress... Cry easily... Dont know why.. Maybe hormone

Please tell your husband about how you’re feeling now ok

Same goes with me, im crying over him with no reason.. 😂

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