stress during pregnancy
Sometimes i cannot control my emotions and keep crying with no reason. I really want my spouse to understand that i am pregnant and need him to be with me and our baby. Please help me.

When you mentioned that you really want your spouse to understand your condition- have you spoken to him? Or you presume that he has this special skill that he can read your mind. Which one? I believe, whatever issues that you are facing right now, communication is the key to your issues. Talk. Please talk. I’m not going to generalise this matter, but most women tend to hope our loving husband will try to accommodate our needs without we have to pour it out. My dear, trust me it doesn’t work. Guys is a simple creature - whatever they see, they take it as it is. Thus, easiest way of reducing your stress is to talk. Tell him what stress you out. Tell him what you want. Presume will not taking you anywhere. It just adding your stress. I hope that you can discuss with your hubby. All the best
Đọc thêmselalu kalau rasa sedih saya akan nangis sekejap bagi rasa lega lepas tu try positifkan balik diri . masa pregnant ni , better luah je apa kita rasa dekat husband , maybe dia tak faham , tak tahu apa kita rasa tapi bila kita luah dia akan cuba buat kita happy semula . waktu mengandung ni memang akan rasa jauh dari husband , rasa kurang kasih sayang kadang kadang , kurang dimanjakan . and kadang emosi tak stabil sebab terlampau fikir macam macam . jangan risau sangat . saya sarankan banyak habiskan masa dengan membaca , better cari sumber atau pengetahuan untuk persediaan nak jadi parent . sebab nanti time berpantang lagi emosi . at least kalau dah belajar pasal baby , diri dah rasa bersedia sikit nak jadi parent .
Đọc thê too.. during my 1st trimester, i cry for no reason. i felt weird, but they say its just normal. There's this one time me and my hubby went to mcd.. while i am eating my burger, sya tiba2 nangis.. i felt so emotional while eating my burger... my hubby got panic coz i'm already sobbing and then he ask me knp i tiba2 nangis.. burger xsedap ke?. hahhaha.. lucu jgk dat tym.. and sya ni pon xtw nk jawab ape kt dia sbab sya sndiri pon xtw ape mslah sya.. saya nk menangis sje.. lol.. they say its because of the hormone.. 😊
Đọc thêmSame here, sometimes I get too talkative that my husband just laugh at me. Sometimes, when I get emotional and wants to cry, I once told my husband to just hug me and kiss me whenever I suddenly do that. He does it everytime while saying, I love you and our baby so dont worry about anything. Maybe, talk to your husband and tell him what you want him to do when you are acting like that.
Đọc thêmWhen i'm out of control, i'll get mad to my hubby. Then he said, why you get mad at me? I'm not causing to this problem. And suddenly i laugh and we laugh together because of this madness. Sometime we need someone to express our feelings, whether we sad,happy or angry. Try to don't take things seriously and thinking too much, you will feel better🥰
Đọc thêmdear mami, please dont get carried away by the feeling. think more bout ur baby.. i know its hard but i have been there too since me n my husband is LDR.. only visit me at my 6th months and come back on the day im giving birth.. all the struggles i do it by my own.. but it doesnt mean our spouse didnt care bout us. trust me, he do..
Đọc thêmkan.. rindu tu kdg2 buat kita carried away. huhuhu
I do hv this same problem... Vy sensitive n cry for no reason... May b i miss my husband couz of PKP time he is at Ipoh n I'm stuck in Johor... But i always motivate myself with babies video, motivation speech n drawing (my hobby)... V hv to gone through this... Juz try to convert ur mind from all the negative thought
Đọc thêmbiasanya mmg mcm tu bila tgh pregnant. we be more sensetive.even benda tu takde apa pun tpi kita mudah sensetif. i bnyk kali menangis. smpai i terjumpa satu blog ni. klau kita bnyk menangis bila bby lahir nnti bby tu pun akn jdi kuat menangis. so bila i fkir blik better i jga emosi dan kuatkn semangat demi bby.
Đọc thêmYou better talk to your husband n tell him everything esp about your feeling so that he would know. However, on your side, you should do something enjoyable which can make you can forget things that make you stress.. try your best as stress actually can indirectly harm your baby and pregnancy..
I nangis malam tadi... Sbb nak x larat... Pk contraction dah ada since 32 weeks dan kerap... Tapi x bersalin ag.... Pk suami asyik tanya nak g spital x?... Pk anak2 asyik tanya bila baby nak kluar... Pk sakitnya nak g keje.....huhu... Its normal dear... Just cry if u need....
Ibu Nur Afeefa