Pls help me đȘ
Hey everyone, need help.... I am 16days late for period tested 3 time but negative.. Check in Internet they said If carrying more then 1 baby means pregnancy test won't work...... Is there by any chance I could be really pregnant????? If I go polyclinic will then just do a ultrascan to check? #1stimemom #advicepls #pregnancy

Firstly, to be honest, if youâve been wanting to get pregnant, donât keep your hopes high, afraid you might get disappointed. Secondly, you may want to go poly to do a urine test to check for HCG levels to determine whether youâre pregnant or not. They donât do ultrasound or blood test for pregnancy. Thirdly, if youâre usually irregular, youâll probably already know that late period may be due to stress, medication or eating habits. If youâre always âon timeâ, there could be other underlying health issues as well..or it could just be too early to detect pregnancy. Depends on individual. So donât stress yourself out taking tests yourself and go poly to have a peace of mind. Meanwhile stay healthy and take care!
Read moreIf you go to the polyclinic basically they will ask you to pee on the cup and you must wait for like 1 to 2 hours long for the results to come out but it is also worth doing it on polyclinic and also polyclinic doesn't have the ultrascan machine so what they will do if let say the results is positive they will ask you which hospital do you want to go to do your check ups and everything
Read morehi dear, i know how confuse and anxious u are. jus go to hospital to chk. if there is More than one Baby, u can detect fast using the kit. but be positive and better to chk with doctor. sometimes it could be hormones imbalance as well. Baby dust to u
No. Polyclinic does not do scan or do blood test to check for pregnancy but you can go there to check & confirm if you're pregnant or have other underlying health issue
poly doesnt do blood test anymore. i did that before they said once pt is positive then its positive. u can try ur morning pee to test again.
U can go down to your GP.. sometimes is stress level too high and will affect your period.
I suggest you go to GP for a blood test. Blood test will tells it all. Good luck !