5 Replies

I’ve trained my now 18 months since she was born! Started with exercising her leg muscles since young and getting her to hold onto walker or chairs at 4 months. Successfully she started walking on her own at 10 months! Didn’t get her any special shoes, gave her a lot of grounding activities such as standing on grass, sand and different textures. I realised babies need stronger leg muscles before being able to walk so helping her stretch her legs will help a lot! Let her cruise along chairs and furnitures around home and see how far/ how long she can do it. Eventually they’ll gain courage and will be able to walk!

This looks like an article with some advice to help your toddler walk https://www.teachinglittles.com/14-tips-to-get-your-baby-walking/ Please see a paediatric physiotherapist though if your toddler still has difficulty walking! Can get a referral through your paediatrician and I suppose polyclinic doctor as well

Have you tried holding her hands to encourage her to walk longer distances? You can also create “games” for her such as pushing against a chair 🪑 like a walker.

I would recommend the squeaky sound sandal that helps your child to walk. At their age the curiosity and the sound made from the sandal will probably help.

Try not to let her crawl and keep practising walking with her.

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