13 Replies

As a preschool teacher, it is within your duty/job scope to clean the toys. Understand that there are typically lesser or no children to tc of on Saturdays and hence, washing of toys commonly take place on this day of the week. From what you had shared, ur boss is understanding of your pregnancy by reminding you to do it slowly. You need to be open in your communication with her if you are unhappy about doing the task. Do not expect all women to understand the situation because not everyone goes through the same experience as you. Go speak to your boss objectively if this duty to the children bugs you still.

VIP Member

Hi ! Im a preschool teacher too and currently going 8 months but i still have to shower and change diaper at this stage. I think its better if you talk regarding the matter and inform her the pain that you are currently facing. If you were to keep it yourself i dunt think she would know that you are in pain. I guess all women are different. If not when you go for your next appointment, you can try asking your doc to write a letter to refrain you from doing heavy duties. Take things slowly and not push yourself to do it ok. If you are in pain, take a rest, im sure the teachers will understand 😁

Seems like your boss is an understanding person as she told you to do it slowly. You may tell her that you will do it but need break to sit down in between due to your pregnancy.

No need to tell her off, you tell her off will only worsen matters. Just talk nicely to her about your fatigue as a pregnant women, seek her understanding will do.

VIP Member

Just tell her that u tried but unable to continue.. if she make noise u go to yr gynae ask him/her to write a short note..

Super Mum

I think there’s no need to tell her off, but you do your best and let her know if you’re struggling.

Super Mum

I think you should tell her ure in pain and see her reaction. Offer to do other light duties instead

VIP Member

Are you able to take a chair and sit down to wash the toys? If yes, it shd be fine.

Hi, I think you should candidly talk to her about this. I am sure she will understand

Super Mum

You are doing it alone? Just tell her nicely, she should understand.

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