5 Replies

Same as u, but i have 2nd m/c last year so i was paranoid this time round especially when i bleed one day before my scheduled OB appt.. went to A&E and everything ok. Den i have dark brown discharge 2 weeks later… and i went kkh urgent o&g. OB gv me progesterone too.. ate 3x a day til week 16.. so i just stopped progesterone and i still feel paranoid as and when… So i can fully understand how u feel.. But do try to cheer up and stay happy (definitely not easy but u can do it) We will both have healthy rainbow baby this time :)

yes manifest healthy rainbow!!

mine was IVF, and had miscarriage before. 2nd IVF, had heavy bleeding (just like heavy menses with big blood clots) on week 6 and week 11 (2 occasions). was on duphaston, progesterone jabs, and alot other hormones medication to try to stabilize and support the pregnancy. but thankfully it managed to pull through to 2nd tri now! but just take more rest and avoid vigorous exercises and heavy lifting for at least first tri! ((: jiayou!!

I had miscarriage last year too. I do bleed at times and it's red fresh blood when week 8 till now N even when I'm on duphaston three times per day. It does bleed lesser but still has brown discharge sometimes. I stopped recently and am getting more discharge will check with the doctor tomorrow. currently week 13 baby is doing fine. :) Don't worry too much just keep positive! Healthy Rainbow Baby OTW! 😁

May i know if your more discharge is brown in colour? Cox previously i have it too but doctor told me that as long as not red den shld be fine cox i always get paranoid after the 2 m/c that i have.. but i do have yellow discharge but do swab and is not infection.. all the best for all of us with our rainbow baby!!!

Same situation before, managed to pull through and just gave birth 2 months ago! Not all medication is 100% but maintaining a positive mindset and keeping yourself cheerful is important. (Easier said than done but you can do it!!) Take care! ❤️

it will minimise the risk of miscarriage but not 100%. Hope for the best for you 🤞

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